Over the years depression has been known to be one of the silent life takers
and this has posed a threat to the health of many lives. Is known to be the
most ignored psychological disorder is depression. Research has shown that
almost every three seconds, the word “depression” is often searched about. A
lot of people suffer from depression but find it hard to talk about it either
due to lack of confidence or they feel insecure about their emotions and
always think that no one is going to understand them. Depression can be said
to arise from different sources but the way out isn’t known to all. Take the
case of a student who was a genius but along the way, he lost his sponsor
which resulted in him missing his ticket to graduate with a good grade and he
became depressed, after a week he took his life. A lot of similar cases have
been reported and if this is not properly curtailed, one may lose someone we
never thought would feel depressed. Some individuals can be classified as
being vulnerable and others are classified as people at high risk. Those who
are vulnerable are those who are prone to cardiac arrest, people with low
sound health etc these sets of people need maximum attention and encouragement
whenever one notices signs of depression on them. The dangers of ignoring such
responsibility outweigh the seeming pleasure one may be experiencing at that

Also, note that depression isn’t the same as grief. Grief is known to be the
feeling of sadness over a short period of time usually less than a week.
Depression is also associated with the feeling of sadness but tends to be for
a longer period of time usually two weeks or more.

What is depression?  Over the
years, depression has been defined as a mood disorder that brings about the
feeling of one being sad or mentally down. However, Depression is the feeling
of one being mentally or psychologically down over a minimum period of two
weeks and has been characterized by inactivity, always keeping to oneself,
anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, inability to eat, change in sleep pattern, loss of
appetite, etc. Depression can be said to be associated with different
situations and can be categorized into different forms which will be discussed
later on.


We run into a lot of people daily and most often much consideration isn’t put
into the second party state of mind. Depression as a whole isn’t
gender-specific, it affects both men and women, both old and young. A recent
survey on this topic estimated about seventeen million people suffering from
depression. Now, here’s the big question, how do we recognize them?

People who soliloquize most often are depressed, people who tend to show signs
of hyperactivity also tend to be depressed. Reaching out to them is the best
way to resolve issues like this and after reaching out to them psychotherapy
is also advised. Depression or mental stress can also be grouped into some
categories to help resolve issues faster.


  • seasonal depressions:
    This type of depression is said to always arise during winter or cold periods,
    an individual with such type of depression becomes unwilling to do anything,
    such individual may also experience an inability to eat at the right time,
    always moody, displays hypo active behaviors, etc. Moreover, this type of
    depression tends to wear out during the summer or on hot days.
  • persistent depressions:
    This type of depression is also known as dysthymia. It involves an individual
    being mentally stressed or depressed for a minimum of two years and a maximum
    of infinity number of years. Such a type of psychological stress or disorder
    is very dangerous to the body.
  • situational depressions: Virtually every living individual experiences this, situational is a type of
    depression that is associated with the situation responsible for that mental
    stress. For example, the loss of a loved one, an expectant mother losing her
    baby as soon as she is out to bed, missing out on a big day, etc. Such type of
    depression can be easily managed if maximum attention and encouragement are
    given to the affected individual.
  • bipolar disorders:
    An individual with this type of depression undergoes frequent mood swings,
    such an individual can go from being very depressive to very hyperactive.
    Research has shown that such a disorder is caused by a chemical imbalance in
    the brain.


A recent study on mental stress or depression showed that a lot of poor health
cases are a result of negative mental health. Below are likely factors closely
associated with depression.

  • Environmental Factors
  • psychological orientation
  • Hormonal or chemical Imbalance in the brain.


A survey in 2016 collated the likely symptoms both adults and teenagers likely
experience when depressed

  •  weight loss
  •  having negative thoughts about oneself
  • reduced performance at school or at place of work
  • lack of interest in normal day to day activities
  • always keeping to oneself, etc


Depression, like many other disorders can be treated. Depression or mental
stress can be managed by the administration of anti anxiety medications,
antidepressants, mood stabilizers, psychotherapy (cognitive behavioral
therapy), electro-convulsive therapy, etc. Giving a listening ear to someone
who is depressed will also be helpful, constant encouragement and motivation
would also be needed. If an individual becomes depressed to the state of
having hallucinations or hearing what others don’t hear, rehabilitation is
advised to be taken into consideration. In the case where drugs may need to be
administered, the patient should see a medical doctor. Engage anyone who is
depressed in social activities, help an affected individual see the positive
aspect of life.

Bottom line

With every minute that passes, hundreds of people around the world suffer from
psychological disorders or depression, or mental stress, and much hasn’t been
done to curtail this. Mental Stress lowers health performance,  Hence, it
shouldn’t be encouraged. Activities that are likely to create a depressive
atmosphere shouldn’t be encouraged. In a situation where a depressed
individual can’t be managed, call an emergency number.

All rights reserved © E-Vercetti 2022

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