Your logical flow is the “traffic green light” that simply activate your reader’s mind to discern your thought in your writing, without getting turned off halfway.

Creating a perfect logical flow in your writing tends to deal with the reasonable progression of which your reader’s mind stirs in your writing. It needs the follow up of an orderly sequence I.e from a point to another point orderly not from point A to point C then back to point B, the reader will easily get uncomfortable about the composition.

Readers are interested in an unrestricted adventure, they enjoy the straightforward sequence in which a writer thought is being transmitted and the satisfying mind of your reader is activated by the perfect logical flow in your writing.

Undoubtedly, below are the accurate strategies to formulate a perfect logical flow in your writing:

1. Understandable connection.

Understandable connection have to deal with cohesion in a context. The term cohesion infers to the logical and sequential placement of structural elements in the discourse to achieve an agreeable sentence. Therefore, it refers to the complementary between lingual segments to make an expression meaningful and valid.

Example:- Tolu got home so late last night feeling very tired, so she went straight to bed without having her supper. On getting up at about 4:00a.m, she felt the strike of hunger so terribly that she rushed to the kitchen to get some food. Right there on top of the fridge was her food flask, she quickly grabbed it and hurriedly consumed the warm yam and sauce her mother had kept for her before leaving for her night shift.

In the above illustration there is a grammatical cohesion that was achieved through the deployment of pronouns that are used to refer to the same person and things. In addition, she, her and herself made reference to Tolu, it refers to Tolu’s food flask, while her is used to refer to Tolu’s mother.

Apart from the grammatical cohesion, there is a sentence connection in the illustration above. The first sentence yield to the reason behind the second sentence. Tolu went straight to bed because she was tired. She felt the strike of hunger because she went to bed without having supper ……. With such harmony in your writing, your reader will easily understand your thought and enjoy your logical flow.

2. Thesis statement.

The Thesis statement mostly known as the “topic sentence” or introductory part is the most crucial and significant part of a writing. It is one expression that showcase the main idea of a writing. The thesis statement is the first paragraph of your writing that revolves around the ideas in the remaining paragraphs that make up your writing. It is expected that your thesis statement is accurate with the overview of your points that are about to be made in your writing.

For instance saying, smoking is harmful to your health. This is too broad and boring to be your thesis statement, you could have said, smoking have destructive consequence to your personal health such as lung and liver complication and heart diseases. It’s obvious that smoking is harmful to our health, but why?That was what was actually missing in the first statement.

Hence, your introductory part or topic sentence must be an enthusiasm for your reader because it determines whether your reader will be interested in reading to the very end or will just give up.

3. Using transition 

Transition is the linkage or tie between a sentence to another sentence or a paragraph to another paragraph. It is also one of the vital element in creating a perfect logical flow in your writing. The usage of transition makes an easy movement from one paragraph to another paragraph, from one idea to another idea without disrupting the progression of your organized opinion.

Example of transitive devices are moreover, however, further more, hence, in conjunction etc.

4. Effective use of punctuations mark.

The effective use of punctuation goes a long way in creating a perfect logical flow in writing. It enlightens your reader’s mind to be conscious of your thought. The usage of full stop will make your reader to understand the fact that you just ended a sentence. Using a quotation mark will bring an assurance in your reader’s mind that you are emphasizing on what you quoted. Likewise the usage of exclamation mark will bring the sense of there is an expression where the exclamation mark was found. Punctuation marks are one of the elements you need in creating a perfect logical flow in your writing.

5. Correct usage of tenses 

The correct usage of tenses helps in granting an understandable expression in the mind of the reader. The correct usage of past tense, present tense, future tense, continuous tense helps the reader to understand your perspective very well. It is not using past tense for something that is happening right away , it’s totally off the point and it would cause a limitation between your logical flow.

6. Clause structure and differ wordings.

As a writer avoid recurrence of words, it can make your reader exhausted. Try using synonyms of words and pronoun to pass across your idea. Repetition of a noun can make your composition looks tiring. In sentence structure or clause structure select the suitable structure for your write up. Know when to use your compound sentence or your simple sentence.

A good clause structure and differ words will give you a perfect logical flow in your writing.

Hence, in other to create a perfect logical flow in your writing, try using an understandable connection in your thesis statement with the help of transition to pass your idea using effective punctuation marks and correct tenses to drop a structured clause .

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