Had I known! Those were the words he kept on saying to himself, reminiscing on how he messed up his life by moving with the wrong individuals and he was just eighteen, memories of how he got addicted to taking cannabis flooded his mind and in no time fresh tears began to drop, wishing he could turn around the hands of time, all these happened while sitting across the nurse on duty in the hospital. This was a sad experience of a young man who confidently opened up to me. Now, the major challenge adolescents face as soon as they hit puberty is most often the misuse of drugs, and as it stands it is not just a regional problem but a global one.


Drug abuse is often characterized by  a successful inoculation of either a recommended or nonrecommended drug in excess, without medical supervision. It can also be said to be the usage of government controlled substances such as cocaine, analgesics, opiates, amphetamine, barbiturates, heroin, nicotine etc. Excessive or compulsive craving of such drugs can be termed an addiction. Addiction can be said to be a disease that affects the brain, when an individual is addicted to drugs he can’t resist the urge not to take it, no matter how harmful it may be to the body. Drug addiction may not necessarily mean addiction to drugs alone, an individual can be addicted to nicotine, alcohol, anti-anxiety medications and other sorts of legal substances. Most times the effects of the misuse of drugs lead to a dangerous change in the brain’s chemistry, causing damage to either the physical or psychological aspect of an individual. Research has shown that in a population consisting of men and women with the age range of sixteen and thirty-five, adolescents always show the highest record of drug misuse.

Now, the big question is why do adolescents abuse drug?

 The illegal usage of drugs was once said to be a problem commonly associated with residents of, poor urban neighbourhood. A survey conducted on ten adolescents who have had cases of drug misuse in the past, reasons for the misuse of drug has been narrowed down to a few points.

  1. Environmental factors: Under environmental factors conditions such as peer pressure, depression, etc are always considered. Now, you will agree with me that an individual’s environment affects the way the individual will think. A positive environment yields a positive state of mind while, a negative environment yields a negative state of mind. An individual who is constantly surrounded by people who always abuse drugs would surely have the urge to join them because he is likely to feel pressurized by his mates. This goes the other way for someone who is constantly surrounded by people who do not abuse drugs and are always engaged in mind tasking activities

Likewise, an individual who is depressed can as well be forced to take drugs just to liven up his mood and in this case if not properly checked could lead to an addiction.

2. Genetic Factors: cases associated with genetic factors are not common. Research conducted on ten students showed only one case with suspicions of it being genetic related.


Adolescents tend to abuse any drug that is capable of developing a euphoric feeling in their brain. Examples of commonly misused drugs are:

  • Barbiturates
  • Opiates (Pain killers): the common name for this group is narcotics. It includes drugs like heroin, morphine, etc. They reduce drastically the functioning of the central nervous system. It becomes lethal if an overdose is taken.
  • Codeine
  • Caffeine: A lot of people consume coffee, tea, soda, etc. Which is nice but if it is taken in excess an individual may develop an addiction towards it, other side effects are insomnia, anxiety, palpitations etc.
  • Cocaine: this type of drug stimulates the nervous system and can be successfully inoculated into the body either by injecting it when in fluid form, inhaling it when in powder form or ingesting it when in solid form.
  • Heroin etc


Adolescents who abuse drugs are said to have successfully altered their body chemistry and are likely to undergo a wide range of adverse physical reactions. Misuse of drugs can be grouped into two categories which are long term and short term. Long term drug use involves taking in of drugs not prescribed by a medical personnel for a long period while short term involves taking in drugs not prescribed by a medical personnel  for a short period of time. However, both are always associated with adverse effects.

Long term drug use may cause damage to the heart, liver and brain if not treated on time. Long term drug users may also suffer from malnutrition that is, most times they won’t be able to eat food that contains the right vitamin and minerals, Here are some other side effects of drug misuse

  1. Drug misuse may also cause an individual to lose consciousness and may cause inadequate breathing pattern and without immediate proper attention may lead to death
  2. Individuals who abuse drugs by injecting it into themselves risk contracting infections such as Hepatitis and HIV as a result of sharing dirty needles or usage of needles used by an infected individual. Also, if an inexperienced individual tries injecting himself or herself and he or she may stand a chance of taking overdose or taking a highly concentrated substance into the body which will be too strong for the body to handle and if not properly managed can lead to damage to the central nervous system and maybe death.


  • Loss of memory.
  •  Mood swings.
  • Repeated and unnecessary arguments with siblings.
  • Constant usage of drugs to solve problems.
  • Depression


The primary or basic way of treatment of drug misuse disorder is abstinence. Refraining totally from addictions. During the course of abstinence, the affected individual might be having feelings of giving up, constant encouragement is necessary. Rehabilitation of affected individual is also necessary and enrollment for cognitive behavioral therapy to correct thoughts that may bring about a negative behavior.

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