One of the most ignored aspects of virtually everyone’s life is how they care for their teeth, it often ignored because many people are of the notion that dental health is not deadly and others may probably see it as something one shouldn’t put much effort into because if anything goes wrong, it can be fixed or managed and this isn’t supposed to be so. The well being of our oral health is important because it is the channel or entrance through which food passes through, whatever goes into our body determines the status of our health. If good food is consumed through an infected mouth, the food will as well be infected which in turn will cause the health status of such an individual to deteriorate. The doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases related to the mouth is called a Dentist. A dentist specializes in not only treating mouth related diseases but also improving the oral health condition of an individual. Some diseases related to the mouth are dental caries, gum diseases, tooth loss, etc. Another disease of the mouth is scurvy. This arises as a result of low intake of vitamin C which is also known as Ascorbic acid. This type of disease disorganizes the arrangement of tooth in our mouth and gives the mouth an appalling sight. This brings about a frequently asked question.

What is oral hygiene?

Oral hygiene is the practice or measures taken in keeping one’s mouth clean and devoid of dental diseases and other related problems. Measures to be taken when practising oral hygiene are brushing with a fluoride toothpaste daily, brushing twice a day, regular flossing between the teeth to remove plaques, etc. The most important factor to be considered when practicing oral hygiene is consistency. A lot of people tend to feel the need of being inconsistent after a brief period of consistent oral care, such attitude shouldn’t be encouraged because resting on one’s oars after seeing positive results could reverse the success that was achieved. 

Some issues teenagers or adults within the range of 17 years to 25 years likely face is the issue of wisdom teeth. 

What is wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are generally the last or third widest set of molars that grows during a teenager in his late teens or an adult in his early twenties, the presence of the wisdom teeth is usually associated with pain and discomfort because it exerts pressure on the surrounding teeth present in the mouth. Normally, having a third set of molars in the mouth makes the mouth a little choked up as a result there is a build up in the pressure in the surroundings of the  mouth which in turn creates discomfort. A lot of people might be of the thought that “why not leave the teeth as it is and prevent spending heavily on it because the cost of removal is fairly high” the answer to this is that when the wisdom teeth isn’t removed there is a general change in the arrangement of the teeth, the teeth in the mouth will overlap each other which in turn creates a greater discomfort Hence, it is advised to visit a dentist if there is any growth or sign of a wisdom tooth growing. 

Over the years there has been a great change in the field of science, its evolution has brought about a change to help people with disabilities at disorders live a fulfilled life. In the case of the fashion world where beauty is top notch, the care of one’s teeth shouldn’t be underrated. In this aspect cosmetic teeth whitening, teeth alignment treatment, laser dentistry, partial and permanent dentures will be discussed.

 What is teeth whitening? 

Teeth whitening in general means the bleaching of the teeth to make it appear whiter and lighter than before. It involves the use of gel or laser treatment for effective whitening and some home made whitening products. However, it is advised that when whitening the teeth the services of a qualified dentist is strongly advised. 

The process of using gel to whiten the teeth involves a dentist taking a look at the arrangement of the teeth of the individual that wants to whiten his teeth so a mouth guard can be made before the gel is applied on the teeth. The whitening caused by the use of gel usually lasts for a period of two to four weeks. 

Laser whitening: This process involves the use of light to whiten the teeth. A bleaching product is applied to the teeth before the use of laser. The laser activates the certain active ingredients in the bleaching product to whiten the teeth. 

Note that, teeth whitening does not work on dentures, crowns or veneers.

There have been cases in the past where people lose a pair of teeth or more as a result of hereditary factor or by accident and a lacuna or a gap is created which in turn causes a reduction in their physique however, science has found a way to mitigate the pain people with such issues would feel by providing them with dentures. Dentures also known as false teeth are prosthetic devices which serve as an artificial teeth, it is usually attached to a gum plastic base and it is usually recommended when there is an absence of three or more teeth that are next to one another. Partia dentures are usually removable and are always held in place by metal clasps. 

A minor disadvantage of using dentures are reduced chewing capacity I.e the rate at which food is being chewed would be minimized, if denture is not properly put in place it could fall off, the risk of food getting underneath it would cause discomfort in that area. 

Having weighed the cost whitening the teeth, not many people would want to book an appointment with a dentist and they might be thinking of opting for home made whitening products. Use of home made teeth whitening products can only be considered safe if applied in their right amount, and as long as they don’t cause gum irritation it is considered safe. Examples of teeth whitening ingredients that can be used at home are baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. 

Teeth alignment is made possible by using braces, dental veneers or dental crowns. Braces are considered the safest way of permanently straightening the teeth. If other issues arise from the use of braces a visit to an orthodontist is advised. Oral care is your responsibility. Let’s treat our teeth with care. 

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