Tips On How To Japa For Free

Tips On How To Japa For Free


While it can be challenging, the best type of Japa (a Nigerian slang for emigrating abroad) is one that is free or costs very little. Here are some tips to achieve it:

Seek Scholarships: If you are intelligent, resourceful, and competitive, and you don’t come from a wealthy family, your best bet is to seek study scholarships. Many schools worldwide offer full tuition and living expenses. If you secure this type of opportunity, Japa is sorted for you. I, personally, secured this twice.

Search for Job Sponsorship: Believe it or not, some jobs sponsor you to work abroad. These jobs often face acute shortages, and some employers sponsor candidates from overseas. Healthcare and many in-demand jobs fall into this category. For example, in New Zealand, secondary school teachers are still being sponsored and paid NZD 10,000 for relocation. Some countries also offer ten-year golden visas for certain occupations.

Look for Free Tuition Schools: It’s not only European schools that offer free tuition; some schools in Japan and South Korea also provide these opportunities. With your tuition covered, you can look for research assistant or teaching assistant positions to make your Japa journey smoother. Encourage creative thinking and don’t be one-dimensional in your planning.

Be International in Your Job Search: There are fellowships, internships, and volunteer opportunities with NGOs abroad that can kickstart your Japa journey. Apply for remote jobs abroad to showcase your skills to an international audience. It’s not uncommon for people to receive job offers and sponsorship while working remotely. 

Apply for Residence on Arrival or Long-term Visa Opportunities: Believe it or not, residence on arrival or straight-to-residence opportunities exist. Canada offers this to caregivers. Some Canadian provinces are eager to sponsor exceptional talent in STEM fields. New Zealand is still sponsoring teachers, and many other countries are seeking skilled talents to sponsor. For exceptional talent visas, you have to pay for visa processing, but if approved, you get indefinite leave to remain (UK), residency (Australia and New Zealand), or a Green Card (USA).
Japa can be expensive, but with hard work, it can be free to achieve. It is very doable….

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